Friday, September 26, 2008

Sunbird 0.9 - Mozilla Standalone Calendar App

Sunbird 0.9 (Windows, Open Source, 5.1MB) [alt DL] is a redesign of the Mozilla Calendar component. The goal is to produce a cross platform standalone calendar application based on Mozilla's XUL user interface language.

Also available for Linux.


  • Events spanning days now have a visual indicator indicating them as connected and not separated events
  • When reloading a remote calendar a progress indicator is now shown
  • The so-called "minimonth" (small calendar month in the upper left) has been given a visual overhaul
  • The calendar views (day, week, multiweek, month) have been given a visual overhaul
  • The today pane can now be displayed in calendar mode and task mode as well
  • CalDAV support and interoperability with various CalDAV servers has been improved
  • The application stability and memory consumption has been greatly improved